Sales and Marketing

Torii has about 300 medical representatives (MRs) working at 7 branch offices throughout Japan. In order to distribute information relating to pharmaceutical products, the MRs use Torii's marketing support system to access the information they need to provide prompt responses to specific needs. This marketing support system is crucial to effective information distribution, and also enhances clients' confidence in Torii through disseminating information widely shared by MRs and other business units to medical professionals.
The Pharmaceutical Marketing & Promotion Group formulates business strategies based on analyses of market needs and projections of future changes in the market environment. It also supports initiatives to enhance the quality of the pharmaceutical information that MRs provide to medical professionals.
In principle, new ethical pharmaceutical products developed by JT are marketed in Japan by Torii, which is strengthening its marketing and distribution system in preparation for the introduction of new drugs.

Torii also works actively with JT to in-license products that can be brought to the Japanese market.